Safe Diet in 25 Days

   Healthy living comes from the right mindset. Not the result that matters, but the process is , how they change their lifestyle . Diet is meal management . A successful diet program , diet is a sedentary lifestyle , not just 25 days . Their behavior will not return to the old behavior . Actually, a slim body and cool , a reflection of a healthy body , not a reflection of instant treatment . Let's try a diet program given healthier lifestyle practitioners dr . Dr. . Phaidon Toruan !
1 . Sugar free . Sugar is a substance that causes the body to produce the hormone insulin is very high , which is known as the insulin spike . The body produces insulin so that sugar can be readily incorporated into the body's cells . Like a lock and key , then insulin is the key that opens the cell door lock so that the sugar can enter the body cells . When the body is forced to constantly receive high concentrations of sugar , then insulin function becomes diminished . This happens because the body's cells become less sensitive to insulin or . As a result , we are at risk of suffering from obesity , diabetes , coronary heart disease , hypertension , or stroke .So , if you do not want to take a sweet taste , sugar is recommended palm sugar , because sugar is natural sugar palm . During processed correctly , the palm sugar is a relatively healthy choice for the human body .
2 . Switch to Complex Carbohydrates . Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are rich in fiber , which means , the release will be stable blood sugar . For example , brown rice , whole wheat bread , potatoes ( with skin ) . Brown rice contains Vitamin B complex and fiber which is essential for energy processing and digestion . Impact on the body , we are more stable energy all day , more energetic , productive , and high stamina . Complex carbohydrate is stored as fat is more difficult , for it , a healthier , slimmer , and efficacious to reduce cellulite . By eating a complex carbohydrate , mood also become better , more confident , and not easy to bete .
3 . Eat Fruit Before Eating . The best snack is fruit for the body . Within a day , we should consume at least two kinds of fruit , to eat three times a day . Okay juiced fruit , with notes , instead of juice packaging . Eating a plateful of fruit a day , such as intestinal washed , automatic uga metabolism will go up . Why should it be before eating ? The goal , simple , to remember . Stomach fills first , so the calories in a little more. Vitamins and minerals are in. It will help the processing of edible energy sources . Body becomes more alkaline atmosphere , thus reducing the risk of cancer , osteoporosis , and other degenerative diseases .
4 . Oil -free fried . Saturated fat content generated through the frying process will lead to increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood . This is the bad cholesterol triggers heart disease , hypertension , and other degenerative diseases .
5 . Sports. Do not have to go to the gym and do not need extreme every day , choose any sport that makes you happy . At a minimum , walk around the mall before buying goods , it can be counted sport . ( f )
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